It is very important for you to create your own authentic marketing plan and not get caught up in what everybody else is doing. Often times many entrepreneurs (including myself) get distracted by the “shiny object syndrome” (SOS) which means that a new idea captures your imagination and attention in such a way that you get distracted from the bigger picture and go off in tangents instead of remaining focused on your goal.
Yes, it is absolutely necessary to do your research, know what your competitors are doing and make sure that you are able to compete globally. However, when your inbox is full of 100 different coaches e-mails where they are all marketing different products with different strategies and techniques it can become overwhelming and quite actually paralyze you with fear or inaction.
When developing your authentic marketing strategy it is important to focus on what marketing efforts are right for you and your brand. Here is a little comic strip that I love that talks about the 7 Deadly Sins of Marketing. You want to avoid these sins and not chase what everybody else is doing, get complacent and stagnant, and do marketing just to increase revenue or be inauthentic to your brand.