One of my greatest passions in life is helping women to tap into the purpose that God has for their life. So many people get overwhelmed with the search to discover why they were born. What I have realized is that discovering your purpose is a process, a journey, an evolution. Most of us don’t wake up one day and just figure out our purpose in life. Life leaves us little clues along the way.
Pay attention to the things that you are naturally good at. What comes easy for you, but hard for others? What wakes you up in the morning and gives you great joy when you do it? What inspires or motivates you? What areas of injustice that are done to others make you want to stand up and fight?
One of my clients was a jack of many trades. She owned an art business, was a realtor, a self-professed lawyer (she didn’t go to law school) and a bookkeeper. During one of our coaching sessions she discovered that her passion was helping first time homeowners qualify and purchase their first home. This had been her passion for many years, but she never tapped into. After years of struggling in business as soon as she got clear on what she was passionate about and gifted to do her business took off.
Here are ten important questions for you to think about that will give you insight into your purpose:
Your purpose is not just about you it is about who God wants to bless through you. If you do not tap into your purpose you are being selfish because your gifts, talents and experiences are exactly what your ideal clients need to propel them in life and business. What can you do today to align your passion with your business? How can you weave it into your existing business? Make a commitment today to live a life of purpose.