At some point in all of our lives, we have been told or will be told, “it’s not you, it’s me.” This is the famous let down line to slide out of a relationship with the hopes of not hurting the other person. Well this time, I’m here to tell you that it is you. You are the person responsible for your life. You are the person that is responsible for your life being all that you want it to be or it being exactly the opposite of what you want it to be. Your thoughts are waves of energy that are constantly shaping and re-shaping your life.
What you focus on, you will attract. Despite not being consciously aware of it, we live in an immense quantum sea of vibrating energy that is ever responsive to how and what we think. Our thoughts are consistently expressing themselves in our lives. You can use your thoughts as the creative forces to begin designing your life with clarity and purpose.
You must focus consistently on what you want in your life instead of what you don’t want through focusing and directing your thoughts through visualization. Visualization is mental rehearsal. Repetitively seeing in your mind that which you want to see materialize in the world. This is done by creating images in your mind of your having or doing whatever it is you want. These images are repeated over and over again. The reason it works is because the subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. Our subconscious will act upon the images we create within, regardless of whether those images reflect our current reality or not. You can re-connect with your youth by using your imagination to see a world of infinite possibilities by visualizing that you already have the things you want.
Take some time to look at what is going on in your life right know. Now, take a moment to think back on your recent thoughts and begin to match those thoughts up with where you are in your life. You will see a pattern developing of your life coinciding with your previous thoughts. If you want to change your life, change your thoughts. You will be amazed at the results.