Often the phrase “1 step forward, 2 steps back” is used to reflect a situation where it appears that every attempt to make progress in a situation is met with obstacles or defeat. Inevitably, life will throw all of us curve balls that we could have never foreseen. Be it personal, professional or financial, if you live long enough, you will get hit.
Sometimes it is necessary to pump the brakes and take a step backwards in order for you to take 2 steps forward. In this microwave society of having things now, we can easily overlook life’s little signs to us to slow down. A nagging injury, mental tiredness, physical tiredness, are some of life’s signals to you that it is time to dial it back and allow your body to catch up. If you continue a break neck pace 24/7 without slowing down, eventually your body will slow you down. Taking time to rejuvenate and recharge will allow you spring forward with fresh new ideas and a renewed energy to “make up” for any “perceived” lost time. Your mind and body will thank you for it.