Social Media has leveled the playing field allowing businesses of all sizes to compete globally. However, the social media platforms are just tools. You must have a well-thought out strategy for you to be able to maximize the benefits of social media.
I have compiled eight reasons why your social media may not be working to attract your ideal client and helping you to close more sales with integrity, purpose and profit. Take a minute to review the list and determine if you are making one or all of the mistakes.
Once you take an honest look now it is time to determine what your next steps will be to get your social media back on track.
• REASON #1 – YOU ARE NOT FOC– USED ON YOUR IDEAL CLIENT – Sure, social media is pretty much everywhere, but your clients probably aren’t. People are creatures of habit; they have their favorite foods, drinks, cars and social media hangouts. You need to find out where YOUR ideal client hangs out and post in those places. Is it Linkedin, Twitter, Periscope, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Google + etc.? You will receive the greatest return of investment if you post where your ideal client hangs out.
• REASON #2 – YOU DON’T POST ENOUGH – There isn’t a right formula for posting on social media, unless you’re NOT posting at all. I have read that you should post anywhere from 2 to 12 times per day, so what’s the right amount? Enough to get your audience to engage with what you post; is the correct answer. Each audience and platform is different. Do some research and experimenting to see what posting frequency is right for you.
• REASON #3 – YOU POST THE WRONG STUFF – If you’re thinking to yourself that you are exhausted from all the posting you’ve been doing and still not seeing any engagement, you are probably posting too much of the wrong content. You need to go back to your ideal client and ask them what they want to know more about and in what format. Those awesome videos or posts you put up that drew ZERO reaction may not fit with what your ideal client wants to consume.
• REASON #4 – YOU ARE NOT PROVIDING VALUE – Just like you can eat foods that don’t give you any value (empty calories), you can do the same with content. Does your content provide value to your readers or it is just fluff? Can they so do something with it, take away an idea or act on what you have posted? If not, stop, re-evaluate and give them what they want.
• REASON #5 – YOU ARE NOT CONNECTING EMOTIONALLY – If what you are posting does not cause people to engage in some way; “Like,” “comment” or “share” at least some of the time, you need to go back to the drawing board. You may be posting what you THINK your ideal client needs or wants but they may have absolutely no interest in it. For example, if you post great work out ideas that contain long, drawn out instructions but your audience consists of busy women executives who barely have time to breathe, there’s a definite disconnect.
• REASON #6 – YOU ARE SELLING TO HARD – People are smart; they can smell a sales pitch a mile away. Pitching is ok, on a limited basis, but if everything you create for social media screams “Buy Me!,” no one will buy, but they will go on to the next business that gives them solutions, not salesy pitches.
• REASON #7 – POST AND RUN – If you post, then don’t check to see what happened to the post—like NEVER, you might as well hang it up. Remember, you have to social. You wouldn’t call up a friend or potential client, say what you have to say and hang up would you? It works similar for social media. Each and every comment must be addressed in some way to show people you really do care that they actually engaged with your post.
• REASON #8 – NON-EXISTENT NEWSLETTER – It’s imperative that you create and send out a regular newsletter to your list. The more they don’t hear from you, the sooner they forget about you and your business. You should send a newsletter or interesting mailing at least once per month.
When you really begin to understand the power of social media to build your brand, a whole new world will open up for you. Not only will you be able to sell more to your audience, you’ll actually begin to understand them so you can provide real solutions for their problems. That is so much more powerful than JUST selling.