OK I admit it; I’m guilty of getting stuck in the “perfectionist trap” often. Are you a planner? Well I am I like to have a to-do list and know exactly how something is going to turn out. I will come up with a big vision and immediately develop a strategy. Often I get stuck because I am over-analyzing the “how” versus taking one step and realizing that the complete plan of action will be revealed. Don’t always over-analyze something and don’t take action. Good planning doesn’t work without action too.
It is important to plan but many people get caught in the perfectionist trap. I have to wait until it is perfect before I can take action. Meanwhile someone else has already implemented your idea. I remember I had the idea of “I’m a Business Diva”. I had t-shirts printed and a whole business concept. However, I procrastinated and looked up and someone else had already purchased the URL and probably had trademarked the name too.
Research, plan and then take action. You can make tweaks as you go along. Get feedback from colleagues and clients on what can be improved and make those changes. The more you do something, the better you will get at it. Hone your craft through practice and repetition. However, don’t miss out on an opportunity, because you are too busy planning and researching. Remember most opportunities come disguised as obstacles and hard work.
One of the keys that I have learned in business is to create a plan, make sure that it is good (not perfect) and get out there in a big way. The hardest part is “launching” and getting out there. Once you are out there it is much easier to correct and make changes as you go. Start. Move. Go. Take a look at your never ending To-Do List and finally start accomplishing some of the big things that are on it. The best way to learn is from you actually doing it. What are you waiting on? Get started today and stop getting stuck in the “perfectionist trap”.
T. Renee is the author of Metamorphosis: How I Shed the Life Others Wanted for Me and Learned to Live My Authentic Life and The Authentic Woman: How to Live Your Authentic Life to Win in Marriage, Family, and Business. To learn more please visit www.treneesmith.com.