This is Part 2 of a 4 part series on the benefits of the V.E.W.E. Process.
The second step toward accomplishing any goal is to Establish a Plan. Those without an established plan for accomplishing the success that they have visualized are paddling up stream without a paddle. You have to know where you are going in order to get there. Even if you do not know exactly how and when you will arrive. Writing down the goals that you want to obtain gives you a guide map to follow on your way there. Of course, life will throw you road blocks and deters along the way. However, with your plan, you will be able to remind yourself of where you are headed when the trip becomes rocky. Your written plan will help to keep you on the path to success throughout your journey during the good times and the bad.
Next week, we will discuss the third step of accomplishing your goals, Working the Plan.