The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. When fear arises, you can do one of two things, you can face it or you can run from it. Greatness is not marked by an individual’s perfection, but rather by their ability to consistently overcome fear, failure and adversity. Failure is simply a test of your will to succeed. How willing are you to try again if you face failure? How willing are you to try again after a tremendous disappointment? Failure is the shift in the direction you were headed to set you on the path of success. Failure is all about learning from previous mistakes. Failure is a part of success. Anyone that has achieved greatness has also achieved failure prior to achieving that greatness.
An old saying is the FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear is a creation of our mind. It is the worrying about some future event that has not happened, and may never happen. When we spend our time focusing on failing at something tomorrow, we deprive ourselves of this present moment, which is all that we truly have. There is no escaping failure if you want to be successful. Whether you fail today or tomorrow, if you are on the road to success, you will fail. But take head, it is not the end of the world. In fact, it is just the opposite. It is a sign that you are on the right path to success.
FAILURE IS AN OPTION!!!! Failure is a stepping stone to greatness. Fail forward.