I have heard several explanations of fear – Face Everything And Rise, Forget Everything And Run and False Evidence Appearing Real. I personally love Face Everything and Rise. Stop making excuses because you are afraid, do it afraid, do it in fear. In order to succeed, your desire for success has to be greater than you fear of failure.
One thing I do for myself and my clients is every time they give me a reason why they can’t do something I ask them to turn it right around into a can. For example, one client told me that “I can’t grow my business because I’m already working 70+ hours a week and not spending enough time with my family”. I told her to turn it around and give me all of the reasons why she can grow her business. “I can grow my business by delegating some of the work that I do so I can have more time to focus on my family and build my brand.” Another client said she had no time to work out. This is how she turned it around “I can find time to work out by starting off slow, getting up 15 minutes early and doing a quick workout before I get the kids up.”
Fear is a natural part of life when you are doing something new or expanding yourself. Don’t let it paralyze you. Take action and do it afraid.Most times you will find out that the things you were afraid of were never going to happen anyway. Step out, trust God and trust yourself. Life is a journey, not a destination. You have to walk it out to determine what the end will be.
Fear is a natural part of success. Remember, if you keep doing the same thing you will get the same results. When fear strikes you, tackle it head on. Once you have done whatever you were afraid of you will have new knowledge and new experiences. Therefore, the next time you are approached with the same thing you won’t have the same fear that you had before. Step out and make a bold move for your life.