Life can be hard enough without you making the journey more difficult and convoluted than it already is. The time for you to stop making it more difficult than it has to be or should be is now. Planning is an essential part of progressing in your chosen field of endeavor. Over planning can keep you from moving at all. Charting out your course to be navigated is a great way to see exactly what it is that you need to do, when you need to do it and how you need to do it. Planning is an essential tool to let you know that you are on track or that you have gotten off track. However, over planning will have just the opposite effect. It is possible for you to spend so much time planning that you never get started and you never implement your plan. This can be just as bad as having no plan at all.
Keep It Short & Simple are words that I live by. Not over planning, not over thinking and most certainly not over doing. Finding that balance between not enough and more than enough. Using the time trusted and proven K.I.S.S. method will help bring peace and balance into your life. You will find yourself accomplishing more in less time and with less effort. You will also find yourself communicating your thoughts to others with greater ease and clarity. It is true that sometimes less is more. Stop making your life more difficult than it has to be. Start making it more enjoyable, stress free and full of more time to do the things that you want to do and not just what you must do. In short, Keep It Short & Simple.