How many of you are holding on to someone or something that seems to be slipping out of your grasp? Does life seem to be pulling that someone or something away from you? Are you being pushed away from that someone or something? If so, this is life probably telling you to let go and let life. Simply put, life is trying to propel you to the next step of this journey called life. Too many of us miss out on wonderful opportunities that are waiting on us to experience them. As life is in the process of closing one door that we are trying are hardest to keep open, it has already opened another door for us to walk through. The problem is that we are too busy focusing on the closing door to notice the new one that has just opened.
We can get so caught up in wanting to hold on that we forget to look up. If we took the time to look up, we could see that the door that is closing is closing for a reason. All of our lives have seasons in them. During these seasons, people will come and go. Some will stay. Don’t try to hold onto to the ones whose time has passed. Let them go. If you were a successful business owner and your business failed, it may be time to move onto your next venture. If you constantly find yourself going uphill without any sign of progress, be it ever so small, it may be time to move on. Listen to your inner voice which is always speaking to you and guiding you next time it tells you to let go and let life.