Don Wilder stated, “Excuses are nails that build a house of failure.” Excuses are those things that we tell ourselves to convince ourselves that we should not do something that we know we could and/or should be doing. Excuses are the justifications that we give ourselves to make us feel better about not being intentional and responsible for creating the lives that we want.
When was the last time you justified to yourself not doing something that you know should have been done? We are all guilty of it. If you are not where you want to be in your life right now, think back to all of the excuses that have contributed to you being here. I can’t do that because…., I’m not qualified enough, I don’t have enough money. These are but a few of them.
Rather than focus on what you don’t have and are not qualified for, focus on what you do have and what you are qualified for. All of us have that one thing that we are good at doing. If you take some time and focus on what it is that you really like doing and are truly passionate about, you will realize what it is.
Focus your energy on developing that one thing and giving it away. That is to say, be in service of others and give of yourself. Stop making excuses to yourself and others and start living life instead. Start being accountable to yourself and others and watch your life shift in the direction that you want it to. Remember, excuses only satisfy those who make them.