Would having $100 gazillion dollars in the bank give you peace of mind? What about $500 gazillion dollars? Would having all of your bills paid give you peace of mind? The truth of the matter is that only you are capable of giving yourself peace of mind and nothing else. How many stories have we heard of wealthy people committing suicide or being very depressed? Some of the people that we think have the most peace of mind have the least. Many people who have more of everything are constantly seeking and desiring to obtain more of everything. Therefore, they are on the constant treadmill of getting and trying to get more. Their minds are constantly focused, working and trying to figure out new ways to obtain more. They are consistently focused on tomorrow and conquering it. Don’t get me wrong, having nice things is great, but not at the cost of your peace of mind.
Peace of mind is defined as the absence of mental stress or anxiety. If you are constantly focusing on tomorrow and how to obtain things, you are not living in the present moment. If you are constantly focusing on the mistakes you made yesterday which kept you from obtaining things, you are not living in the moment. This leads to mental stress and anxiety. True peace of mind comes from living and being in the moment, realizing that yesterday is gone and tomorrow has not arrived. Today is the only place that you can be happy. If you want to experience true peace of mind, focus your attention on this very moment. Realize that you cannot travel back in time or the future. Once you come to grips with this reality, you will begin to experience a peace of mind that is truly priceless.