When was the last time you spent time with yourself? How long has it been since you turned off the TV, phone and Internet to sit back and reflect on your life? If you are like most people, I’m guessing that you probably have never done it. Surprisingly, most people rarely take time to spend by themselves and go deep within to discover who they really are.
We are all shaped by our upbringing and experiences throughout our lives as well as those persons that have influenced us. Many people are shaped entirely by external forces and have no true idea of who they really are. From the clothes they wear to the people they date, these decisions and others, are shaped solely by external forces. These external forces can include family members, friends and the media. They live their lives based on the acceptance of others, instead of what is accepting and pleasing to them.
Spending time with yourself in solitary confinement is one of the most therapeutic things that you can possibly do to reinvigorate yourself. Spending time with yourself by yourself will allow you to peel away all of the superficial layers that currently make up you. This will give you the opportunity to see your blind spots for yourself as opposed to being told about them. You will be able to determine what truly makes you happy and what makes you sad. After you have obtained self-awareness about who you really are, you will have the clarity to see plainly what makes you tick. Solitary confinement is not always a bad thing, it can actually be quite freeing and lead you to living your authentic life.