Take the limits off. Stretch Yourself. It is time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If you are not uncomfortable you are not growing. Far too many times we become complacent and comfortable with where we are. This is how we become stagnant. Take risks.
In order for you to win big you have to play big. This is exactly the reason why I have never won big in Vegas. I will play the quarter slot machines, but stop when I have spent $20. My return is based on my investment. I didn’t make a big investment therefore I didn’t receive a big return. It is important for you to understand the value of investing in yourself. You are your greatest asset. Your mind, experiences, knowledge are all the things that make you unique and valuable.
A lot of people forget that your personal life and business grow at the same rate that you grow. The more you invest in yourself, the more you can invest in your marriage, family, and business. This ultimately increases the value of your personal and professional relationships. The more you grow and learn, the more you can serve and pour into others.
Play small win small. Play big when big. It is time for you to play a bigger game in life. You are talented, smart, creative, a go-getter and most importantly anointed to do this. Take your life back. Don’t wait for people to give you permission to win big, give yourself permission to win big. Find all the resources that you need and pour into your on life by investing in you. Put your big girl panties on and let’s go!