Marketing is a set of consistent actions you take to get your message to those who need you, are looking for you BUT don’t know you exist yet. – T. Renee’ Smith
In order for your marketing to be effective you must have a clear strategy of what you want to do, when you want to do it, how you want to do it and for how long you want to do it. Unfortunately, many business owners are making marketing mistakes that are costing them time, money and clients.
Let’s briefly look out the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs and small business owners are making. As you are going through the list think about how many of the marketing mistakes you are currently making in your business.
1. MISTAKE #1 – Your business name and tagline do not clearly communicate what you do
2. MISTAKE #2 – You have no idea who your ideal client is and are marketing to the wrong people
3. MISTAKE #3 – You are stuck in the “copy-cat” syndrome and are modeling what your competitors are doing instead of finding your own unique voice
4. MISTAKE #4 – Your marketing messages are way too long and boring
5. MISTAKE #5 – Your marketing does not include key elements such as your personal story, benefits and results clients receive from working with you
6. MISTAKE #6 – Your marketing does not explain in a clear, concise, compelling manner what you do
7. MISTAKE #7 – Your marketing doesn’t emotionally connect with your ideal client
8. MISTAKE #8 – Your business brand and marketing materials do not look the same, they are not consistent (colors, look and feel, quality, graphics, etc.)
9. MISTAKE #9 – Your website does not effectively capture leads
10. MISTAKE #10 – You do not have a marketing plan or if you do, you don’t stick with it