When creating your marketing message to be used online, offline or in-person it is important that you consider potential objections that clients may have. Thinking about these prior to writing your marketing message can help you to include wording within your message to overcome the objections. When you present your product or service to a potential client one of three things will normally happen:
• You will get a yes. (It’s time to do the happy dance)
• You will get a flat out no. (Your product or service probably isn’t a good fit for them.)
• You will get a “yes, but…” (This is the most common scenario)
If your marketing message is clear and emotionally connects with your potential client 80% of the time, you’ll get a “Yes, but…” The “but” is a concern, or objection. Let’s discuss the key to smoothly moving through concerns so that they can embrace the transformation that they truly want from you. Whatever their “Yes, BUT” is reveals the REAL reason why they are speaking to you. That is what they really and truly need support on, in THIS moment. Realize that whatever that “yes, but” is… has stopped them before, and it is showing up somewhere ELSE in their life to stop them over and over again.
Here’s how you talk your client through the “Yes, but”. Each question begins with the same question: “May I ask you a question about that?” – You may be entering uncomfortable territory, so you want to be respectful.
• OBJECTION #1 – “I’D LOVE TO, BUT… I DON’T HAVE THE MONEY” –This is what I normally say when I get this response. May I ask you a question? Assuming money wasn’t an issue, is this something that you’d like to do?” 90% of the time, money isn’t the real issue – money is a smokescreen for something ELSE. They simply haven’t seen the value… YET. If they say “Yes” hesitantly then it really isn’t the money and is something else. Ask this question to your potential client – “Putting the money aside for a moment, what would you have to get out of the program in order to make it worth it to you?”
If they say YES wholeheartedly, then money IS really a concern. You can choose to work with that by helping them with a payment plan. However, make sure they are fully committed before you move forward.
• OBJECTION #2 – “I’D LOVE TO… BUT I DON’T HAVE THE TIME” – This really means “I’m not making this a priority… yet.” This is what I normally say when I get this response. “May I ask you a question about that? If I waved a magic wand and created all kinds of time in your schedule, is it something you’d want to move forward with?” OR “In order to say YES to (the result you want), what would you have to say no to?” OR “What would life be like if you chose (the results)?” Also go back to how the challenges are impacting their life and how it will affect them in the future.
• OBJECTION #3 – “I’D LOVE TO, BUT…I HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT” – This is what I normally say when I get this response. “May I ask you a question about that? What is it that you have to think about?” This is a perfectly reasonable question to ask, especially after you’ve determined that it Is a fit. There is something else holding them back that they need coaching and support on. You can also ask “What else do you need to know in order to make your decision?”
• OBJECTION #4 – WHAT TO SAY WHEN THEY SAY “I HAVE TO TALK TO MY SPOUSE” – Ask them directly: “Is this something that you haven’t decided, or is this something you’ve decided AND you need to let them know because you’re truly in a partnership?” This question is important because you want to understand if they need to speak to their spouse because of the financial commitment or is this just an excuse. Once you determine which one you can ask – “When can you speak with your spouse?” “Great. I’d like to take your registration information right now. If there is anything that you discover from your conversation that changes your decision, no problem; I won’t run your credit card. Just let me know by (X) time tomorrow. Otherwise I’ll process your registration and I’ll send you all the welcome information.”
Learning to overcome your ideal client’s objections to working with you will help you to close sales faster with integrity, purpose and increased profits.