Have you been living your life like a carbon copy of someone else? Are you comparing your business or personal life to what someone else is doing? If so, stop it. In order for you to live your life on purpose and full of passion you have to “tap” into the life that you were created to live. An abundant life is about creating and following your own path. You don’t need someone else’s approval. You can validate yourself. It’s time to run your own race and be an original version of yourself, because everyone else is taken.
I remember Oprah said the minute she stopped trying to be like Barbara Walters she found her own authentic voice. If you try to be like someone else you will just be an imitation of them. I have seen so many coaches take the materials of someone else and just reuse it. They wonder why they aren’t having success. It is because they are not speaking from their authentic voice. Yes you will gain things from your mentors, friends and coaches but don’t try to be them. Be you.
Use the gifts that God has blessed you with. Find out the path that God has for you and follow it. Once you do that watch doors open up for you. Absolutely research, learn best practices and find out what other people our doing. However learn from them, not copy or mimic them. You were designed for a specific person, walk your own path. Live your authentic life.
When you are living your authentic life there is no competition. Someone else may be doing what you are doing but they won’t be doing it LIKE YOU DO IT. You have your own experiences, knowledge, and personality that you bring to the table. Work on developing and cultivating your strengths. Hone the skills that you are good at and unleash your own unique brilliance. Once you do that you will find that you have more peace, happiness, abundance and joy in your life.