I wish that I woulda done that, I coulda done this or I shoulda done that. These are all phrases that we have uttered at some point in our lives when reflecting back on previous situations in our lives. Whether the statements were made or thought, in regards to our personal, social or professional lives, we have all been there and done that. The bad part about this is that at the end of making these statements, we are right back where we started before we made them, not being able to change the past. That’s right. No matter how hard we focus on what we could have done differently or should have done differently, we can do nothing about it, except to learn from our previous decisions and continue moving forward.
Instead of focusing on what should have been, focus on what is. Although we cannot change what we did yesterday, we have the power of choice and can change our reality today. When we make different decisions it places us one step closer to reaching our goals. Focusing on the past robs you of your power today. You spend so much time and energy focusing on yesterday, that there is very little left for today. Focusing on the past will leave you in a constant cycle of going backwards instead of living in the moment and progressing forward.
Live in and enjoy the now and watch how much more productive your life will become instead of focusing on woulda, coulda and shoulda.