Remember creating good marketing is like both an art and a science. Let’s continue with the next 6 key points that should be included in all of your marketing whether it is a business card or a full marketing campaign. This is part 2 of the blog series.
6. It has one, compelling point of focus – Have you ever seen marketing with so many things in it you didn’t know where to look first? Your ideal client will be confused if you try to cram too much information into your marketing or promotional materials. Choose one thing to focus on in each of your communications. Instead of showing them how to build their entire business what about focusing on social media or PR. Pick one thing first because it is easier for them to digest and then create separate marketing campaigns for other things.
7. Accurately communicate your business and personal personality – Yes, your business has a personality and everything you do should reflect it. You want your ideal clients to feel like they “know” you. If you change your personality every week, they won’t come to know and trust you. If your personality is fun loving and energetic your marketing shouldn’t be corporate, stale and boring. Yes, you want it to be professional, but it still has to be reflective of who you are.
Remember your ideal clients want to get to know the person behind your brand or business. Make sure that your message communicates who you are, your beliefs, and your lifestyle. Allow your ideal clients to see the personal side of who you are and what you have to offer.
8. Make your message exciting and believable – Boring messages DO NOT sell. Your marketing messages need to be exciting and compelling. They should engage your ideal client and make them want to be a part of what you are doing. Likewise, if it sounds unbelievable, you will not make the sale and most importantly you will lose credibility. Make sure you are not overpromising and under delivering. Whenever you are marketing make sure your marketing message is believable, exciting and authentic.
9. Overcome your ideal clients doubts in your marketing message – Doubts and fears are part of any buying decision. Recognize what they are, confront them directly and ease your ideal client’s doubts. It is always a good business practice to offer a guarantee for products. This adds an extra level of security for your ideal client.
10. Have a specific objective for your marketing – If you don’t know what your marketing is designed to achieve, then how will you know if it was successful? Always have a plan and an objective for everything you do.
11. Testimonials – Use client testimonials whether written or video to build trust and credibility. Showing social proof of the work that you have done for others is vital. If you are a new business have friends and family to utilize your product or service and have them give a testimonial.