I know you have heard the expression, “You can have it all.” This may seem a bit unrealistic, but according to the Law of Attraction or the Law of Abundance, it is not out of your reach. Oftentimes we’re too quick to identify external challenges as the reason we have not reached our goals, but more times than not the real obstacle lies within you. Discovering these obstacles and overcoming them is a huge first step towards success as a CEO.
I remember the day I made up in my mind that I was raising all of my consulting rates, doubling my speaker fee, and only doing high-end coaching. At first it was a little scary. Then I started shifting my beliefs and mindset to abundance. Do you know what happened? The more I increased my confidence and developed an abundance mindset the clients started showing up. Imagine that, more value, less work, and more profits. That is a winning formula.
Want to know how I did it? Keep reading.
The Law of Attraction and the Law of Abundance are not identical, but they are related. The Law of Attraction states that people tend to attract results that are aligned with their expectations. For example, if you have a positive attitude you will attract positive people. It works on the opposite end of the spectrum too. If you think lack and scarcity, you’ll attract that.
The Law of Abundance takes the principles of the Law of Attraction and applies them to concepts of wealth. The Law of Abundance states there is enough money for everyone who seeks it. Not everyone is highly motivated to seek abundance. However, if you are, it’s important to examine the thinking and beliefs that you have that are preventing it from flowing freely in your life.
3 Secrets to Incorporate the Law of Abundance in Your Business:
Some of my smartest, most hardworking client’s still have a difficult time embracing abundance and wealth. I’ve discovered from working with them that confidence plays a huge part in them going from barely surviving to thriving.
The very first step in attracting abundance into your life is recognizing the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck in survival mode. It’s difficult to change what you are not aware of. In my free 5-Day CEO Confidence Challenge I provide you with a step-by-step roadmap to increasing your confidence, charging what you’re worth, and attracting abundance in your life.
I want nothing more for you than to experience 360° abundance in your life, business and relationships. If you want that in your life, register for my free 5-Day CEO Confidence Challenge today. It’s your time to live an abundant life.
Continue to live your best life – The CEO Life®.