You don’t know what you don’t know. You are an expert at your craft and probably focus the majority of your time on ensuring your clients have an amazing experience with your brand. It is important to surround yourself with others that know more than you do. This will lessen your learning curve and help you to identify blind spots. As you grow your business you will have to shift from being a do it yourselfer to a CEO.
Which one are you?
I hear you already; I don’t have money to pay myself let alone somebody else. The reality is you find money for what you want – that purse, those shoes, that expensive meal, that concert. Get the picture? If you are serious about growing your business you have to make an investment in yourself first, then the business. Small investment = small profits. Big investment (a smart one) = Big profits.
If you’re ready for a quick business analysis to discover gaps in growing your business download my free CEO Life® Business Checklist which assesses 6 key areas of your business in minutes. You’ll have a clear picture on what your next best business step should be.
You owe it to yourself to invest in your business. I believe, in you. Let’s go!!!
Continue to live your best life – The CEO Life®.
Purposefully yours,
T. Renee’